Portrait Specifics


§  Portraits rendered in charcoal, in classic black and white

§  Life-size, of head and shoulders only

§  Centered on white 18” x 25” charcoal paper

§  Unframed

§  Drawn from photographs

o  Photos I take in my studio (with the natural lighting that I prefer)

o  Your photos if usable (with the advantage of going back in time; e.g. children at a younger age)

o  Price is the same either way

§  Portrait completion time depends on how many portraits are ahead of yours; generally expect 3 to 5 months.

§  Portraits can be edited:

o  Deletions: e.g. scars, braces

o  Improvements: e.g. messy hair, a little more smile, missing baby teeth

o  Additions: e.g. a bow in the hair, a better collar, longer hair





















































Portraits by Elizabeth Mayer © 2018